Club of Rome The Club of Rome, founded in 1968 in Rome, is a group of scientists, economics, businessmen, international high civil servants, Heads of State and former Heads of State from the five
continents, who discuss environment, demography, development, governance, work in the future, the information society, new technologies, education, the new Global Society, and the world economic and financial order |
The Centre for the Study of Global Governance An LSE think tank on global governance, which publishes widely in this area. |
Earth Council
The Earth Council is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) created in September 1992 to promote and
advance the implementation of the Earth Summit agreements. It is led by a body of 18 Members, drawn from the world's political,
business, scientific and non-governmental communities. |
East-West Institute
The Institute's mission is to defuse tensions and conflicts that threaten geopolitical stability while building democracy, free enterprise and prosperity in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and other states of Eurasia. |
Foreign Policy In Focus
A think tank without walls that works to make the US a more responsible global leader and partner. |
Global Policy Forum A site which monitors global policy making at the United Nations and global policy-making |
International Forum on Globalization The International Forum on Globalization (IFG) is an alliance of sixty leading
activists, scholars, economists, researchers, and writers formed to stimulate new
thinking, joint activity, and public education in response to the rapidly emerging
economic and political arrangement called the global economy.
Representing 40 organizations in 20 countries, the Forum's participants have come
together out of a shared concern that the world's corporate and political leadership is
undertaking a restructuring of global politics and economics that may prove as
historically significant as any event since the Industrial Revolution. This restructuring
is happening at tremendous speed, without full public disclosure of the profound
consequences affecting democracy, communities, human welfare, local economies,
and the natural world. |
World Policy Institute Policy research and advocacy on critical world problems |
OECD - Globalisation
The 1996 "Globalisation - What Challenges and Opportunities for Governments?" paper. |
World Economic Forum
Also known as the Davos Forum, this group first convened in 1971, from an initiative of Klaus Schwab, to discuss a strategy for European business in the international marketplace. See the history section for more information. |